Concordia Theological Seminary is blessed to have a talented and well-qualified faculty, to God be the glory. In keeping with the values of our institution and the IELC, professors are required to teach in conformity with Scripture and our Lutheran Confessions.
Click on the names to see a more detailed biography and profile.
Rev. Dr. P. R. Selva Raj, BCom, B.D., M.Th. (D.Th.) (Religion)
Full-time Faculty:
Rev. P. D Alexander, BD, M.Th. (Old Testament)
Rev. Dr. John Vijayaraj, B.A., B.D., M.Th., D.Th. (New Testament)
Rev. C. Justin Raj, BA, BD, MTh (Theology)
Rev. P. H. S. Nanda Kumar, B.Th., B.D., M.Th. (History)
Rev. Dr. T. Samuel, B.A, M.Th., D.Th. (Christian Ministry-Counselling)
Rev. Dr. Sam Thompson, B.A., M.A., B.D., M.Th., Ph.D. (Theology)
Part time/ Visiting faculty
Dr. E. James R. Daniel, M.A., M.A., Ph.D. (English).