Around, two thousand people euphorically came out to celebrate the graduation of thirty BD students of Concordia Theological Seminary on the June 3rd Friday, 2022 at 10 am at the Naether Hall. The ceremony was livestreamed in the seminary quad and the chapel for the overflow audience to watch. This year, the sacred convocation was conducted after a two-year interval. The seminary had to cancel the previous two graduations in the year 2020 and 2021 respectively, due to Covid Pandemic.
The Rev. Dr. Jonathan Shaw (Director, LCMS Church Relations) was the chief guest for the occasion and the Rev. Dr. Prof. Arthur A. Just (OIM Director of Theological Education, LCMS) was the convocation speaker. The sacred convocation was blessed with the presence of the immediate family, congregation members, friends of the graduating students, representatives, and pastors from the three Synods of the IELC and other dignitaries from the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
The sacred convocation started with a procession lead by the faculty marshal, Rev. Dr. P R Selvaraj, accompanied by a celebratory band performance. The Rev. Dr. D. Christu Das inaugurated the ceremony and later he presented the principal’s report for the academic year 2021-22 where he highlighted how God sustained the seminary during the difficult times of the pandemic. He congratulated all the graduating students for their hard work and thanked all the well wishers and supporters of the seminary. The principal especially thanked Lutheran Church Missouri Synod for their unwavering support towards the ministry of CTSN throughout the years.
Rev. Dr. Arthur Just, in his commencement message, which was deeply theological and pastoral in nature, reminded the graduates that ““In your end is your beginning.” Because “Today you commence a new life to which God has called you.” and as pastors you will begin to “tell people that in Christ they have their end and their beginning.”
The Academic Dean, Rev. P.R Selvaraj presented the graduating students and Rev. Dr. Jonathan Shaw, on behalf of the Board for Pastoral and Lay Training awarded the diplomas. After all the graduates received their diplomas, the principal led the graduates in a prayer of commitment.
During this occasion, the seminary also distributed three academic awards. Mr. Issacs Paul received awards for securing highest marks in Biblical Hebrew and Greek and for overall academic performance.
The seminary recognized and congratulated Rev. P.R Selvaraj for earning his doctorate in the field of Religions from the Senate of Serampore University.
The seminary released the college magazine, Symphony during this occasion. The theme for this year was “Covid 19 and Christian Response” Rev. Dr. John Vijayaraj, the chief editor, introduced the magazine to the audience. The students and faculty at the CTSN contributed articles to this magazine.
The commencement service concluded with a formal vote of thanks proposed by the faculty secretary, Rev. Dr. R. John Vijayaraj followed by a closing prayer by Rev. Dr. Sam Thompson and Benediction by the Principal, Rev. Dr. D. Christu Das.
The Concordia Theological Seminary is grateful to the LCMS and IELC pastors and congregations for their great support towards the smooth functioning of the seminary during the academic year 2021-2022. We praise God for the generous support extended to us by Rev. James Kirkavua (Director LCMS Eurasia), Rev. Dr. Ross E. Johnson (Director, LCMS Disaster Response), all the LCMS dignitaries, Mr. Ravi Jesupatham (LCMS- India coordinator) and all the Bishops and leaders of different denominations who send their students to us during the past year.
All glory and honour be to God alone! Amen.