Theme: Theology of the Cross

The India Evangelical Lutheran Church clergy, vicars, deaconess and lay leaders came together for a two-day worship, celebration and fellowship at Pastor’s Refresher Course 2022 from June 1-2, 2022. This event organized by the Concordia Theological Seminary was conducted at Seminary Campus in Nagercoil. This year’s Pastor’s Refresher Course was sponsored by LCMS disaster Response, USA.
This event conducted after a two-year break due to Covid 19 pandemic was well received. On the first day, Principal, Rev. Dr. D. Christu Das welcomed two hundred and fifty-five participants from the three synods (Ambur 74, Nagercoil 89, Trivandrum 88) of the IELC and four Pastors from the Lutheran Church Sri-Lanka. More than five hundred lay people visited the campus during various times to attend different sessions and to catch up with what going on at the seminary.
The Rev. Dr. Jonathan Shaw (Director of Church Relations, Assistant to the President, LCMS) brought greetings from the LCMS President Dr. Mathew Harrison to the Convention. The other LCMS dignitaries who attended the Pastor’s Refresher Course 2022 include Dr. Ross Johnson (Director, LCMS Disaster Response), Dr. Arthur Just (Professor, CTSFW), Dr. Detlev Schulz (Professor, CTSFW), Rev. Charles Ferry (Reginal Director, LCMS Asia), Dr. Daniel Harmelink (Director, Concordia Historical Institute), Dr. Charles Cortright (Luther Academy, Latvia) and Rev. Steven Mahlburg (LCMS Missionary, Sri Lanka).
The theme for PRC 2022 was theology of the Cross. The following research papers were presented at this convention: “Do This in Remembrance of Me: Who is Remembering Whom” (Dr. Jonathan Shaw), “Taking Care of the Body of Jesus: Towards a Biblical Theology of Suffering” (Dr. Arthur Just), “Kergma and Diakonia: Defining their Relationship (Dr. Detlev Schulz), He must Increase, But I must Decrease: A Look at the Cross in the Pastoral Life (Dr. Charles Cortright).
The Participants were very appreciative that the convention provided an unique opportunity and space for the Lutheran fraternity from the three Synods of IELC, LCMS partners and neighboring Lutheran Church Sri-Lankan pastors to come together, celebrate their common faith and identity in Christ Jesus, guided by God’s word and Lutheran confessions.