The curriculum offers a comprehensive program of study in Scripture, Lutheran Confessions, congregational practice (with emphasis on evangelism and church planting), and church history.
The program equips students to be effective church planters and pastors so that the Word of God may be truthfully proclaimed and that the Sacraments of the church may be rightly and faithfully administered.
Curriculum Requirements

Concordia Theological Seminary is affiliated to Serampore University, so we follow the syllabus as prescribed by the Senate of Serampore University, which is common to all such affiliated colleges. For more details, you can download the current admissions and curriculum requirements of Serampore University here (BD Curriculum).
Additional Courses
CTSN requires, in addition to the core requirements of Serampore University, a number of theological courses that are designed specifically to meet the needs of a confessional Lutheran church of the twenty-first century. Additional courses include, but are not limited to:
- Reformation
- Lutheran Confessions (Book of Concord)
- Luther’s Catechisms
- Luther Studies
- Homiletics
- Worship and Preaching
- Music and Worship
- Augsburg Confession
- The Missionary Enterprises of MELIM
- Ecclesia
- Church Administration
- Sacramental Theology
A B.D. candidate must complete all of his Senate of Serampore University papers, in addition to our Concordia Theological Seminary papers as required by the faculty.
Probationary Period
If the candidate successfully completes his examinations, he can then be appointed as a probationer in his respective synod and mission field. Upon graduation with a B.D., the candidate is placed by the administration of IELC. Information about the current administration may be found on the IELC website.
The probationary period is for two years minimum, and if the candidate’s performance in ministry is not satisfactory, the period may be extended for one or two years, and in rare cases for longer. The seminary faculty will decide on the basis of his performance in the ministry and the letter from his supervising pastor.
Probationers remain under the direct supervision of the seminary until they are certified for ordination.