Concordia Theological Seminary celebrated its 100th Anniversary from September 26 – 29, 2024. CTSN is the only confessional Lutheran Seminary in India, which was started in 1924 to train pastors and deacons for the ministry of the Gospel. The thanksgiving and festivities, held at the seminary campus, were attended by more than one thousand people, including dignitaries from the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, congregation members, pastors, deaconess and church workers from the India Evangelical Lutheran church. This occasion was blessed with the presence of the LCMS President, Rev. Dr. Mathew C. Harrison. It is the first time in five decades that a sitting President of LCMS visited India and the Seminary. Eight delegates from LCMS were present for this Thanksgiving celebration, including the LCMS president. The other LCMS dignitaries present were Rev. Kevin Robson (Chief Mission Officer of LCMS), Rev. Dr. Cory J Rajak (Executive Director of LCMS Office of International Mission), Rev. Michael N. Frese (LCMS Deputy Director of Church Relations), Rev. Dr. Brian Gauthier (Managing Director for Regional Operations, LCMS), Rev. Dr. Daniel N Harmelink (Executive Director, Concordia Historical Institute), Rev. Charles Ferry (Asia Regional Director, LCMS International Mission) and Mr. Sam Borgadwart (Asia Regional Business Manager).
The celebration started with Rev. Kevin Robson and Rev. Dr. Cory J Rajak, respectively, dedicating the newly constructed Centenary Seminary front gate and the Theodore Gudknecht Atrium.
The theme for the centennial celebrations was “Forming Servant Leaders for the Ministry of Word and Sacrament: 100 years and counting”. Pastors’ Refresher Course was held on September 26 and 27, and more than 300 pastors, including Probationers and Deaconesses from three synods, attended. There was a deaconesses’ conference on 28 September, and 15 deaconesses of IELC from three synods attended the event. President Harrison and Rev. Dr. Michael N Frese led the sessions. CTSN and LCMS delegates celebrated the unwavering faithfulness of God upon CTSN for the last 10 decades with a Thanksgiving service on Sunday, September 29. More than 1000 people attended the Thanksgiving service. President Harrison shared the word of God. In his message, President Harrison reminded the people of God to remain thankful to God for all the blessings. He also said that our primary purpose in Christian life should be the Word of God, not money, power, or positions. On 26 September, as part of the celebration, a drama was staged by CTSN students about the history of CTSN and how missionaries came to India and did their mission work. The participants appreciated this program. CTSN dedicated the drama to LCMS delegates for the faithful service and sacrifices of all the missionaries who served in CTSN in different capacities at different periods.
We thank God to all our mission partners, the LCMS, IELC, and all their congregations for their unwavering support of our ministry. Please remember CTSN in your prayers as we continue to train and equip pastors and deaconesses for the ministry of the Gospel in India and beyond.